Workshop series

If you would like to know more about Tasmanian Aboriginal culture, join us for a fascinating and informative day with some of Tasmania’s most talented Aboriginal artists.

The Design Forum Tasmania is hosting two practical workshops, introducing participants to Tasmania’s Aboriginal heritage.  This is a unique opportunity to connect and learn from leading artists while gaining a greater appreciation of Tasmanian Aboriginal culture and history whilst being introduced to skills utilised in customary craft.

Sessions will be tutored by Tony Brown, Senior Curator of Indigenous Arts at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery along with artists Brendon Brown, Lola Greeno and Vicki West.

The men’s workshop will include an information session detailing the investigation into bark canoe making, followed by a practical model making session.

The women’s natural fibre and kelp workshop will introduce the artist’s personal background in textile experimentation and invention followed by a session of contemporary practice in both mediums.

About designcentretasmania

administrative assistant, design centre tasmania
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